5.3 File naming conventions

The NewReleaseMessage shall be named as follows:


Each resource file shall be named as follows:

Label_ReleaseId_TechnicalResourceId_ResourceType_ Hierarchy.Ext

The AcknowledgementMessage shall be named as follows:


The elements of the three file naming conventions above represent the following:

  • ReleaseId is the identifier used in the NewReleaseMessage to uniquely identify the release;

  • Label is an optional mnemonic token to identify the record company or distributor compiling the release. This element is primarily for human intervention and may only contain letters, digits and dashes (“-“);

  • TechnicalResourceId is an optional string, starting with the letter T, that is used in the NewReleaseMessage's relevant XML tag of the same name to uniquely identify the relevant resource or clip. It is permissible that two or more file tags contained in different resource composites point to the same resource file;

For example, one Resource composite may describe a full length sound recording and thus point to a full length resource file, and a second Resource composite may describe a clip that may be exploited by the DSP by using part of the full length sound recording, say, from the 10th second of the sound recording for 30 seconds, and thus needs to point to the same full length resource file; ResourceType is an optional element to indicate the type of resource (typically where this is not clear from the nature of Ext element of the relevant file). This may be a generic value such as SoundRecording or it may be used to designate a more specific type such as CoverArt or even an abbreviation such as WP for a wallpaper resource. This element is primarily for human intervention. If there are multiple files embodying the same resource, the record company or distributor should use the ResourceType element of the file name (for example, Clip) to differentiate the purpose of each file. For example, a full-length sound recording may be embodied in one file and a clip of, say, a few seconds of the full-length sound recording embodied in a second file;

  • Hierarchy is an optional element to indicate where, in the hierarchy of the release the relevant resource fits. This element should comprise of a sequence of three-digit, zero padded numbers separated by underscores. For example, 008_015 for the 15th resource in the 8th resource group. This Hierarchy element should correspond to the ResourceGroup composite in the NewReleaseMessage;

  • YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn is the date and time that the XML file containing the NewReleaseMessage is placed on the file server. For the AcknowledgementMessage YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn is the datetime when the acknowledgement is uploaded;

  • MessageId is the identifier used in the NewReleaseMessage, as communicated in the MessageHeader/MessageId tag, being acknowledged; and

  • Ext is the typical file extension for the resource type (or .xml for the NewReleaseMessage, PurgeReleaseMessage or AcknowledgementMessage).


A resource file name created in accordance with this clause is only guaranteed to be unique and useful for the duration of the release delivery, that is until an AcknowledgementMessage has been sent by the DSP.

This naming convention is not necessary for machine-to-machine communication but adherence to this convention will aid human intervention for cases where such intervention is necessary.