6.2 Batch constraints
The maximum size of a batch is not defined in this part of the ERN standard but shall be determined by the bilateral agreement between the record company or distributor and the DSP before using this profile. It is not permitted to include a NewReleaseMessage
and the resource filed relating to a particular release more than once in a single batch.
If the record company or distributor wants to have several batches “open” at the same time, it needs to ensure that no release is contained in more than one open batch.
The maximum time a batch may be kept “open” is determined by the bilateral agreement between the record company or distributor and the DSP.
To ensure sequential processing, a batch is identified by the date and time it is first placed on the server in the form YYYYMMDDhhmmssnnn
indicating the year in which the batch is placed on the file server;MM
indicating the month in which the batch is placed on the file server;DD
indicating the day on which the batch is placed on the file server;hh
indicating the hour (in 24 hours) during which the batch is placed on the file server;mm
indicating the minute during which the batch is placed on the file server;ss
indicating the second during which the batch is placed on the file server; andnnn
indicating the millisecond during which the batch is placed on the file server.
The record company or distributor shall ensure that, for each of the DSPs to which it is communicating, a unique BatchId
is associated with each batch.