6.3 File server organisation

On the file server each batch shall be placed into a separate folder for that batch. The name of the folder shall be made up of a priority/non- priority indicator (see below), followed by an underscore character, followed by the BatchId.

The NewReleaseMessage relating to each release within that batch shall be placed into a separate folder which is named using the ReleaseId of the release to which the NewReleaseMessage relates. The resource files relating to that release shall be placed into a subfolder of the release folder, called resources/.

If possible, the ReleaseId used should be a GRid as defined in the GRid standard. However, if that is not possible, the different unique identifier to be used is determined by the bilateral agreement between the record company or distributor and the DSP.

The value for the priority indicator may be either:

  • P to indicate all or some of releases in the batch are deemed to be a priority delivery, for ingestion by the DSP;

  • N to indicate that none of the releases in the batch are deemed to be priority delivery for ingestion by the DSP; or

  • L to indicate the release is deemed to be a low-priority delivery.


The meaning of priority in this context is determined by the bilateral agreement between the record company or distributor and the DSP. Mixing non-priority, partial priority and priority releases within the same batch delivery is likely to cause confusion on the part of the DSP, especially when no acknowledgements are used. This approach is therefore not recommended.

The ManifestMessage shall be placed into the root folder of the batch.

Once the DSP has downloaded the batch the AcknowledgementMessage shall be placed into into a subfolder of the batch folder called acknowledgements/.